6 Useful words
- Tier
a level or grade within the hierarchy of an organization or system.
The country has been divided in three regional tiers according to the number of cases reported, each with different lockdown rules.
- Amid
n an atmosphere or against a background of.
Amid the chaos of the 2011 tsunami people still found ways to help each other.
- Dire
extremely serious or urgent.
The report showed that the financial situation of the company was dire and in immediate need of help.
- Hospitality
relating to or denoting the business of entertaining clients, conference delegates, or other official visitors.
Due to the decrease in tourism amid the pandemic, the hospitality industry had to lay off thousands of employees in hotels, restaurants, and event spaces.
- Slump
a sudden severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something.
After the 2008 crisis the prices of houses in North America went through a very bad slump.
- To borrow
take and use (money) from a person or bank under an agreement to pay it back later.
She had to borrow money in order to pay her bills because they were due before her salary was paid.
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